Requesting a review of your Global Talent visa application
If your Global Talent visa application is rejected, you may have the option to request a review, depending on the endorsement body you applied with. You can ask for a Global Talent visa endorsement review if you believe the Home Office or the endorsement body:
● Failed to properly consider the evidence you submitted as part of your original application.
● Made an error in processing your application, such as misinterpreting key details or missing relevant documentation.
● Did not clearly communicate the reasons for refusing your endorsement, leaving ambiguity or misunderstanding around the decision.
It is important to be aware that not all bodies allow for a review when a Global Talent visa application is rejected. The availability of a review process depends on the specific endorsement body and its policies. To know if a review is available for your specific case, it is essential to check the policies of the endorsement body relevant to your application.
Tech Nation, for example, allows for reviews if an applicant believes there was a procedural error or if the evidence had not been assessed properly. However, other endorsement bodies, such as the Royal Society, the British Academy, and the Royal Academy of Engineering, may not offer the same review options. In these cases, once a decision has been made, it is typically considered final unless significant procedural issues are found or other exceptional circumstances apply.
The Arts Council England may offer limited options for review, but this is typically specific to whether the applicant can demonstrate that a procedural oversight impacted the outcome. The review process generally does not allow for new evidence to be submitted; it focuses only on assessing whether the original evidence was properly considered.